Reiki Practitioners

Reiki Practitioner: How to Choose the Right One

Every Reiki practitioner is different because every person is different. Although all Reiki practitioners have been trained by people who follow the techniques and guidance passed down through a particular lineage, everyone puts their own spin on their practice. It’s only natural.

There are different Reiki lineages and people who practice one of the various types of Reiki may do things differently from someone who practices another type. But as a potential client, you don’t need to worry about what kind of Reiki someone practices. Reiki is Reiki. Your number one concern when it comes to choosing a Reiki practitioner should be the practitioner herself.

If you decide to try a few Reiki practitioners to discover the right fit for you, you may find:

  • Reiki practitioners who focus solely on giving the Reiki. They may not be comfortable offering intuitive feedback and guidance for various reasons or may not be highly intuitive yet. This is perfect for a relaxing Reiki session that will continue to work for you after you’ve left the practitioner’s office. It’s often my choice when I see a Reiki practitioner. Just give me the Reiki!
  • Reiki practitioners who share the information they pick up through their intuition or hear from their guides. If you’re working on specific challenges and/or goals, this can give you more insight into how you can support yourself going forward. I’ve found that this type of practitioner is ideal when I’m trying to work through something and feeling stuck.

Other Factors When Choosing a Reiki Practitioner

As you interview people or peruse websites, you might want to consider other factors, such as:

  • Whether they practice from home or a commercial space. Neither is better; it’s a matter of your preference. If you have a preference, that is.
  • How long they’ve been practicing Reiki. Reiki works whether you’ve been practicing for one day or 1,000, but more experienced practitioners may be more confident and have more knowledge about the chakras, etc. to share with you. On the other hand, new practitioners will have more room in their schedules and may have a slightly lower price.
  • The personality of the practitioner. If you’re quite shy and quiet, you may want someone with similar traits so you feel comfortable. Alternatively, you might want someone who is socially confident who can lead you through your work together with ease. Again, it’s up to you.
  • Where the practitioner is located in your city. As motivated as we sometimes are to take care of ourselves, self-care activities like Reiki sessions are often the first to go when we get busy. Seeing someone near you can help you ensure that you keep going to your sessions, even when you’re busy with life.

In my experience, you don’t need to think too hard about who you should see for Reiki. Our souls are very good at directing us to those who are here to help us. Go with your gut, recognize that that meeting, referral, or stumbled-upon website was a sign, and get started with Reiki!

“Just wanted to book another session for my son over the next week or so here if possible? He seems to feel much better after his appointments. Thanks so much!” 


“Oh wow!! That’s amazing that you did the research and took the time to look into that for me. Thank you so much. You have such an amazing gift of healing.” 


“Hi, it’s the gal you did a reiki session on last Wed. I wanted to let you know that things have been very good since. I have felt lighter and more motivated. You were right, the first day or two after, I was feeling irritated by little things but that has seemed to pass for the most part. Thank you for the wonderful session and giving me some insight into some things right now.” 


“I’m doing well, feel more relaxed than I was before the session. Thank you for everything.” 


“Thank you again for the healing session, it helped a lot with the energy, as I could feel more of a third eye opening and even crown chakra opening recently.”

Dorian M.

“Thank you for the reiki session yesterday. You brought up some very insightful information and we’ll have to see what happens. I’m feeling quite emotional today so hopefully, I can release some things.” 

Miriam L.

“I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out to thank you so much for your support through reiki over the last few months. I can say I have felt a connection and also have felt the benefits of clarity from these sessions.” 

Cameron L.

“Since the first session, I’ve felt amazing. I’m quite surprised. I feel pretty calm as well.”

C. C.

“I am feeling good now and I got my mojo back! Had a very good sleep last night. Thank you once again!!”

Linda G.

“Thank you so much I appreciate your help. Meeting you is the best thing that happened to me. I will definitely keep in touch.” 

Ike N.

“My favorite part is reading the email after [the distance session] because it is always bang on.” 

Brandi M.

“Well, I’d say you nailed me for sure! Made me laugh!! Everything you said does resonate with me.”

Deb. G.

To schedule an appointment, email me at or text or call me at 403.607.5996.