Intuitive Healer

Intuitive Healer: Calgary Service Provider

An intuitive healer in Calgary, I can help you make the changes you want to make so you can create a life you love. As no one can really heal us but ourselves, I think of myself as a healing facilitator, helping you understand where your energy is blocked and what you need to do to get it flowing so you feel better and can truly enjoy your life.

An intuitive healer works by connecting with her own intuition to see or hear what we can’t see or hear on the physical level. I work with my spirit guides and, if they visit, your departed loved ones, to provide you with information that can help you on your healing journey.

As an intuitive person, I am just a guide. Ideas, suggestions, and recommendations that I pass on should only be acted on if you feel they are right for you. I will never say you must do this or stop doing that. Your healing journey is your own and only you know what is truly right for you.

What to Expect

I work one-on-one with you in sessions that typically last an hour each. Each session includes a look at your aura (the energy your body gives off) using the Biopulsar (coming soon), a Reiki session to help you shift your energy, and my feedback about anything I pick up during the session.

The benefit of using the Biopulsar is that you can actually see how your energy is changing over time. It’s a highly practical way of validating that the things we can’t see, like Reiki energy, are really making a difference.

Of course, you should also see other changes happening as well, both within the body/mind and in your external life. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Become More Intuitive Yourself

On my own healing journey, I worked with an intuitive healer (who would probably never call herself that). I never thought I’d have the intuitive / psychic skills she had!

But as you clear your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies, your natural ability to access information you didn’t know was available to you gradually (and sometimes suddenly) becomes stronger. I’m living proof that working with an intuitive healer can play a role in helping you to become an intuitive healer yourself.

Of course, you don’t have to go into the healing biz. Being more intuitive can benefit you in countless ways. For example, it’s much easier to make decisions, you feel guided and connected to all that is, and you can freak your friends out.

“Just wanted to book another session for my son over the next week or so here if possible? He seems to feel much better after his appointments. Thanks so much!” 


“Oh wow!! That’s amazing that you did the research and took the time to look into that for me. Thank you so much. You have such an amazing gift of healing.” 


“Hi, it’s the gal you did a reiki session on last Wed. I wanted to let you know that things have been very good since. I have felt lighter and more motivated. You were right, the first day or two after, I was feeling irritated by little things but that has seemed to pass for the most part. Thank you for the wonderful session and giving me some insight into some things right now.” 


“I’m doing well, feel more relaxed than I was before the session. Thank you for everything.” 


“Thank you again for the healing session, it helped a lot with the energy, as I could feel more of a third eye opening and even crown chakra opening recently.”

Dorian M.

“Thank you for the reiki session yesterday. You brought up some very insightful information and we’ll have to see what happens. I’m feeling quite emotional today so hopefully, I can release some things.” 

Miriam L.

“I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out to thank you so much for your support through reiki over the last few months. I can say I have felt a connection and also have felt the benefits of clarity from these sessions.” 

Cameron L.

“Since the first session, I’ve felt amazing. I’m quite surprised. I feel pretty calm as well.”

C. C.

“I am feeling good now and I got my mojo back! Had a very good sleep last night. Thank you once again!!”

Linda G.

“Thank you so much I appreciate your help. Meeting you is the best thing that happened to me. I will definitely keep in touch.” 

Ike N.

“My favorite part is reading the email after [the distance session] because it is always bang on.” 

Brandi M.

“Well, I’d say you nailed me for sure! Made me laugh!! Everything you said does resonate with me.”

Deb. G.

Let’s Meet

Please connect with me to find out more about intuitive healing and the service I offer.

To schedule an appointment, email me at or text or call me at 403.607.5996.

I look forward to helping you on your healing journey in whatever way I can!