Balancing Chakras with Reiki: A Life-Long Practice
Balancing chakras, with Reiki or with other methods, is the key to a happy life. No matter what energy healing technique you choose to help you bring your chakras back into balance, it’s important to remember that it’s a process that takes time and should go on for a lifetime.
Why does it take time? Why can’t you just go for a Reiki session for balancing your chakras and be done with it? Well, there are a couple of reasons.
The Power of Your Unconscious Mind
We are ruled by the conditioned mind, which thinks it knows all kinds of things because it was taught that those things were true. It’s all nonsense but we believe it anyway.
Some of us think we are this conditioned mind, this image that we’ve created of ourselves. Others are aware that there are thoughts and that we are the awareness that hears or sees the thoughts. But even those who are aware have stuff buried in the unconscious that keeps pulling their chakras out of balance.
Example: I can go and get my chakras balanced but if there is even the tiniest part of me that believes that I am even the slightest bit better than someone else, my solar plexus chakra will keep going out of balance.
As I write this I’m aware of a tiny feeling of superiority—after all, I have all this knowledge I’m sharing, right? I must be a little bit better than others, no? It’s gross, but I’m glad it’s entered my awareness as now I can feel it and release it so it can’t continue to pull my third chakra out of balance.
There is tons of crap in your unconscious mind. It all has to come to light and be felt and released. You really wouldn’t want to face it all at once. Instead, commit to balancing your chakras with Reiki and other energy healing techniques so that you can face the yuck at a comfortable pace while you get healthier and healthier.
By the way, for all I know, everything I tell you could be wrong. Be sure to act only on information you resonate with and feel is true for you.
Look around you. Even if you’re alone in a closet, there’s a lot going on if you pay attention. And most of us aren’t alone in closets. We’re at work and getting together with friends and raising families and dealing with our mothers and falling in and out of love and cleaning up after the dog.
When you are healed, your life will become much more peaceful, reflecting the peace inside you. But until then, there’s a lot going on around you and it’s all affecting your energy system.
Balancing chakras with Reiki helps people undo the “damage” inflicted on their energy system by this crazy ride we call life. Regular Reiki sessions help you prevent more junk from building up in your energy system, which will help prevent more junk from building up in your mental, emotional, and physical systems.
At the same time, each Reiki session allows you to access a little more of the buried junk from your conditioned mind. It’s maintaining your health and working toward a cure at the same time! Can’t say the same about anti-depressants or wine, can you? (Not that there’s anything wrong with either of them.)
If you’d like to balance your chakras with Reiki, give me a call. We can take a look at how they’re doing using the Biopulsar (coming soon) and I can either help you balance them by providing Reiki or teaching you how to do Reiki. Or both! Call 403.607.5996, send me an email, or schedule a session.